Saturday, December 29, 2007

One more to go.

Did you survive the holi-daze? More importantly, did your waistline? If you're a naysayer when it comes to this time of year, fret not—for there is but one celebration left: ringing in '08.

If I'm to be honest about it, New Year's Eve is my least favorite in the holiday fun-pack series. The gist is: forget the past year and look to the next 365 for emancipation.

Harumph that. I'm more of a live in the moment kind of gal.

Sure, I made some boo boos in 07, but I embrace them and move on; chalking up my dingleberry behavior to myriad excuses usually stemming from not knowing any better. Who knows why we do the stupid things we do. We're human; it's what we do.

What I do know is—I've got today. And today looks pretty darn good this side of 7am. I'm on my third cup of coffee, my legs are aching for a run and I've got left over Pad Thai in the fridge.

Leftovers are good. Heck, life is good.

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