Who cared what Le Parisien said about Saturday's forecast. After tossing a crème, deux café, and a pain au raisin down her gullet, Foo declared "Let's go!"
Rive Gauche was the morning destination so our heroes moseyed on over to the Parc du Luxembourg to enjoy the crisp morning. All of Paris likes to stroll through the parks before shopping the main boulevards—and today was no different. The parks were filled with joggers, jump ropers, tennis players and children enjoying pony rides. There were Foo-friendly ponies but le lapin was too busy scampering all over the statuary to be coaxed onto a Shetland.
After leaving the Parc, they roamed the St. Germain area to find familiar spots and eateries, while enjoying the store windows, street art, and hidden alleys just begging to be explored. For le dejeuner they grabbed a grec baguette avec frites for a frugal 4.50€ and settled alongside the Seine quai to enjoy their gut bomb. Pigeons had their beady eyes on the baguette but Bob spared them the salty nastywich.
Amply recharged, they did a quick tour of Ile de la Cite (and for those of you keeping count, the gitane ring scam count is now up to six). Crossing the pont to Ile St. Louis, they espied a familiar street band. Twas much too cold for a famous Berthillion glace on the ile so they found their way back to Rive Droit to have a café with Fred before rounding out the afternoon in the broad Rue la Fayette area with its many Cinemas and Grand magasins.
I see Foo involved with so much Food! It's a wonder that she maintains her trim figure.
Boober's Bataan Death March walking helps keep the figure trim
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