Wednesday dawned without a cloud to be seen from the fenetre of chambre 7. Unequipped with their foul weather gear, Bobbers and Foo trotted out for their morning crème. By first sip, the skies had opened up and the torrent began.
After a quick trip to the hotel to retrieve their rain impedimenta, Bob’s plan to walk the 4km back up to the Memorial Musee de Caen was dampened (pardon the pun) after Foo stated with a finality that was not to be messed with, "A la gare routiere Gunga Din!" So off they went in search of the bus to take them up the hill and to the museum.
They arrived just in time for the movie that showed the invasion, a moving split screen showing both the Allied and German preparations and the carnage that ensued.
It has been 65 years since those first brave souls perished, and now the lucky survivors are dropping away with their generation. One can only reflect as it was our parents who lived through the trying years of la Guerre Mondiale. It was a brutal time when many minds were lost both following and fighting Nazi fascism.

After the somber morning our duo rode back down to town for a gallette, a crème, and an afternoon spent roaming the Chateau Ducal.
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