Thursday, October 01, 2009

Roadtrip: Shanghai 2010

The Macau Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010 will take the shape of a jade rabbit lantern. Funky, yes. Cool, you bet!

Designed by Chinese firm Carlos Marreiros Architects, the pavilion will be wrapped with a double-layer glass membrane and feature fluorescent screens on its outer walls. Balloons will serve as the head and tail of the ‘rabbit’, which can be moved up and down to attract visitors. The building will be constructed with recyclable materials and consists of solar power panels and rain collection systems—making Eco Bob supremely happy.


1 comment:

Les said...

Wow. I get busy, I miss Foo adventures, I come back to Three, (count 'em), so now I feel Foortified! Tnx, Momma! Uncle Les