Saturday, September 19th is the date of a rather unique holiday. Pirate enthusiasts around the globe will be celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day in various ways, but the unifying theme is to shiver up your timbers and adopt some pirate language, me hearties!
Know the story.
Talk Like a Pirate Day began back in 1995 when John “Ol’ Chumbucket” Baur and his pal Mark “Cap’n Slappy” Summers spontaneously began hurling piratical insults at each other on a YMCA racquetball court in Albany, Oregon. The logical conclusion of this exchange was to establish a day in which everyone around the world ought to talk like a pirate.
For several years the holiday remained an inside joke between Baur and Summers, until they sent a letter about their made-up holiday to nationally syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry. Taken with the idea, Barry promoted the concept in a 2002 column for the Miami Herald, after which Talk Like a Pirate Day began to spread virally on the internet.
Channel ye inner scurvy now.
Speak like a pirate
Twitter like a pirate
Search like a pirate
iPhone app like a pirate
Twitter like a pirate
Search like a pirate
iPhone app like a pirate
And for Facebook enthusiasts:
Account settings > language tab, select: “English (Pirate).”
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