Relating to or typical of the countryside or its people; rustic.
A bucolic urbanite, Bunny gleefully scampered the muddy countryside in her silk pashmina and well-worn Sorels.
Hi, Momma! Auntie Leta and I are on board ship in a bucolic cove at Hvar, Croatia, having sailed here last nite from Venezia. We are so delighted the blog is back on! Please send Bunny and Bob our biggest hugs, well an easy one for Bunny. Since it's 9 hours ahead here, I can tell you that the future is good! Love, Uncle Les
Bunny appreciates the gentle hug but is now sulking because she's in Palo Alto—not Croatia. I gave her a snickerdoodle to nibble on but she gave me stink eye as commentary for my paltry offering.
Sounds like you're having a wonderful trip. Safe travels to you and your beautiful bride. Pictures, my!
Hi, Momma! Auntie Leta and I are on board ship in a bucolic cove at Hvar, Croatia, having sailed here last nite from Venezia. We are so delighted the blog is back on! Please send Bunny and Bob our biggest hugs, well an easy one for Bunny. Since it's 9 hours ahead here, I can tell you that the future is good! Love, Uncle Les
Bunny appreciates the gentle hug but is now sulking because she's in Palo Alto—not Croatia. I gave her a snickerdoodle to nibble on but she gave me stink eye as commentary for my paltry offering.
Sounds like you're having a wonderful trip. Safe travels to you and your beautiful bride. Pictures, my!
Bobbers, heading to LA an congested stew of humanity about as a far from bucolic as possible.
WOW!! ... released from the ubiquitous morass of "social media" - welcome back Foo to the old-shoe-comfort of sociable media!! Yay!!
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