Our fearless threesome survived every curveball Mother Nature threw at them from screaming winds to thunder-clapped snowstorms. Their adventures were big and many, and Bunny Foo Foo can't wait to tell you about them—especially now that she's in an oxygen-rich environment again. But patience you must have, for photos must be culled and Mama Foo has a day job she must keep in order to fund future adventures.
Stay tuned...
alas - as my mother used to tell me... "you have to come down from the mountain to make a living". as a ten year old in '61, Stevie replied - "what would Mr. Ranger say?". welcome back to sea level!-- See 'ya, -boo-boo boy
Welcome back. Please hurry up with a report because I am jonesing for a Foo adventure complete with pics of the harrowing and the calm. You have created an audience that needs these. Love, Les
Fret not, Les. Two new installations have been posted for your pleasure...a third to come by tomorrow.
It's so nice to have loyal fans. All 3 of you.
mama foo
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