Ok, so it's not my computer under attack, it's my body. Welcome to cold and flu season.
A good majority of my coworkers have been sick; coughing their deep, bottomless coughs and sneezing their afflictions on every square inch of our tiny space. I can feel my cube teeming with viral wildlife, just waiting for my immune system to buckle under the barrage of germs.
But I'm not giving up without a fight.
I've been swilling Airborne, washing my hands rigorously (if not compulsively), logging quality Zzzs and drinking enough tea to stimulate the economy. I cough into my armpit and avoid sticking fingers into itchy eyes.
Yet, here I am—teetering ever-so-close to the edge of a full blown cold.
So my plea to you, if you should be one of those aforementioned individuals with a menagerie of germs swirling 'bout your head like a halo: stay home. Please.
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