Word from our ham radio expert (Les in Palo Alto) came late last night, "Did you know the Sierras had the largest accumlation of snow on this date in recorded history!?" It was hard to disagree as we watched the snowflakes dance madly against a whitecapped Lake Tahoe; wind thrumming an angry tune.

Earlier in the day, 4 of us would tackle the Susie Lake Trail, an 8-mile hike through beautiful country. Although, I'm not willing to fully commit to this adjective as we were shrouded in fog cover and cloaked in snow flurries for much of the hike.
Today, weather and snow-depth permitting, we make our second assault on Dick's Peak.
I don't know if Dick takes kindly to the four of you assaulting his peak.
Editors note: he was cool with it.
Actaully, it was his dream come true!
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