Try as I might, I've never been able to embrace raw fish as a way to titillate my tastebuds. Watching Bear Grylls chomp into a live trout on "Man vs Wild" hasn't helped further my cause, yet I'm still curious as to what the hub bub is all about.

Perhaps my Midwest roots prevent me from making sushi a lunchtime adventure. Heck, it's only been recently that I've expanded into the wild and wacky world of fruits and vegetables. Who knew all that colorful sustenance was lurking in the outer rims of the grocery store. "Hello edamame! Nice to meet you Mr. Radish—you're looking rather tangy today."
However, it's Friday which means one thing: pan-fried buns with the boys. Futomaki is the furthest thing from our minds.
"Thank goodness!" says poor Mr. Fishy.
"Is it time for lunch yet?" quizzes Mama Foo.
Oh the buns and LBs. Have a few for me (buns, not LBs).
In a stunning turn of events, the buns came to us for an impromptu picnic in the engineering pit.
Ok, truth be told, we realized in horror that the bun place was closing @ 2:30. Abhi was still yammering on the phone with NBC at 2, so drastic measures had to be taken.
And snakes don't do so well around the Bearster either.
or bird eggs
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