"I believe she was sighted in Nepal, tangled up in prayer flags."
"Nah—she's salivating over interactive candlestick charts."

[Editors note: if watching "Rock of Love Bus" counts as less admirable, then guilty as charged.]
There have been no shortage of adventures in the month of January. Presidents have been sworn in, half marathons have been run and the real estate market continues to humble even the most optimistic. Oh, and the Arizona Cards will win the Superbowl tomorrow.
Mama Foo was hoping to start off 2009 with a bang but it would seem that she's oozing into the year rather than going for the full commit.
But fear not, for travel is booked (Bunny loves it when oil is $41/barrel), Valentine's Day is on the way and the Bunny Blogs will be receiving a face lift in the next month or so.
That should put a little pep in your step. Or spring in your hop (depending on how furry you are).